Book/Director |
Inga Hehnen |
Camera | Julia Sehmsdorf |
Cut |
Rüdiger Hohrbank |
Narrator |
Kristina Degn |
Professional Consultation | Dr. Majorie Jobson |
For the help during the shooting we thank
Mr Makubyana Marike Schmeck Sandra Hildebrandt Mr Gert Louw |
Overall Management | Peter K. Hertling |
With assistance of |
Filmwerkstatt Kiel |
Production |
Institut für Frauenforschung |
Heide Simonis Ministerpräsidentin des Landes Schleswig-Holstein |
© Verein für Geschlechterdemokratie, 2004 |
Overall concept and Implementation | Peter Reichart Yvonne Waldbröl |
Bonus Films | Peter Reichart |
Texts and Graphics | Yvonne Waldbröl |
Photos | Cornelia Helms |